Ultimate Anonymity
Fully Invisible System
Snowpack offers the highest level of anonymity available today, thanks to our unique, patented Invisibility technology. Contrary to Tor, Snowpack requires no trusted third party and is invulnerable to Man-In-The-Middle attacks.
Performance, Control & Independence
QoS and QoSec
Snowpack is easy to deploy, while offering maximum customization for experts and guaranteeing performance, security and independence thanks to high resilience, throughput and diversity.
Hidden Attack Surface
No Door, No unwanted Entrance
Snowpack transforms the client-server model, eliminating the need to open doors and making it easier to hide activities, web services and infrastructure.
our products.
Invisible Services
Protect your web services
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Turnkey solution to make your sensitive web services invisible from hackers.

Invisible Infra
Hide your company's attack surface
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Cloak your endpoints & data-in-transit from hackers and prevent vulnerabilities & traces exploitation.

our use cases.
  • Work & Traveling Abroad
  • Cloud & Remote Security
  • OSINT & Digital Investigation
  • Data Sharing & Federated Learning enabler
  • Be Invisible Anywhere Anytime, Like at Work or at Home

    When you’re traveling abroad, remain safe just like in your home country.

    Thus, protect your know-how and your identity, even in the most restrictive countries.

    Request a demo More information
  • Secure your Entire External Attack Surface

    Is your information system split between your main site, various secondary sites and even cloud instances? Your collaborators are working from anywhere?

    Connect all these elements together easily and without exposing open ports, thanks to our invisibility properties.

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  • Investigate Internet and Animate your Avatars

    Through RedSnow and Darksnow plans, Invisible Access customers can generate several parallel routes from a single device, choose their exit points, and access the Clear, Deep and Darknet easily without Man-In-The-Middle risk, neither from Snowpack itself.

    Several key components are provided to the investigators:
    – Numerous residential IP addresses
    – Key indicators about provided IPs (type, real-time reputation, …)
    – Automated route definition based on local position and exit points
    – Simplified integration with existing tools (TOR, SOCKS5, docker, …)

    Request a demo More information
  • Share your sensitive Data without Reputational or Legal Risk

    Snowpack technology enables qualified data to be shared anonymously between competitors or within a trusted group (connected cars, IOT devices, etc.).

    In these groups, members can anonymously share information with the guarantee that only members of the group receive the information, that it has not been modified and that it really comes from one of the members. The communicator’s identity is never divulged and remains invisible even to Snowpack and message relays.

    Request a demo More information
how it works.
Your device uses our VIPN client to transform your data into snowflakes, send them on the SNO (Snowpack Network Overlay) and melt them with billions of the same-looking snowflakes from other users (or generated by us).
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Speed (Mb/s/user) > 300
Transfered Data (GB/day) > 50
Servers > 30
Users > 500
Countries 6
Cloud Operators 5
Our supporters
Prix de l'Innovation Les Assises 2024
France Cyber Security
Grand Prix de la Startup Forum In Cyber (FIC) 2024
French Tech Paris Saclay
ASTech Paris RĂ©gion
PĂ´le Excellence Cyber
BPI France
La French Tech
Gicat Generate
get in touch.
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