Embed our tech in your apps & services and protect your users and applications

Competitive Advantage
Make your applications invisible by design.
Invulnerable Key Exchanges
Protect your application versus Man-In-The-Middle attacks.
Software & Material Independence
Neutralize exploitation of material breaches & software vulnerabilities.
Made for Developers
Integrate our layer as easily as you are doing networking.
  • One-To-One
    For Software Editors & Application Developers
  • Many-To-Many
    For Communities & Software Editors
For Software Editors & Application Developers
Stealth Videoconference
Stand out from your competitors
Empowered Cybersecurity Tool
Make your software invisible
Investigation Tool
Manage your network traces
High Data Collection Tool
Prevent your tool from being banned
For Communities & Software Editors
Hidden Group Communication
Secure communication between competitors
Central Server Protection
Distribute your central server
Federated Learning
Share your data between different actors without disclosing everything
Share Data Across Competitors
Let competitors collaborate without brand risk

Embed our VIPN layer and turn your apps & services invisible and make your users independent from you:

Thank to our API, your product become:

  • Less vulnerable to network related mass & targeted attacks
  • Your E2EE schemes become more robust
  • Your infrastructure become invisible
  • The value of your solution for Critical infrastructures operators, Government agencies increases further!
contact us.

Embed our VIPN/Rings layer and create data sharing apps & services without any trusted third party.

Thanks to our API, your services become:

  • Beyond trust as central servers cannot access neither content nor users IP address
  • Invisible by design and offer anonymity and security guarantees
contact us.
all plans.

Embed our VIPN layer and turn your apps & services invisible and make your users independent from you.

Special features
  • Increase the value of your solution for Critical infrastructures operators, Government agencies, …
  • Protection versus network related mass & targeted attacks
  • Increase robustness of your E2EE schemes
  • Your infrastructure become Invisible
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Embed our VIPN/Rings layer and create data sharing apps & services without any trusted third party.

Special features
  • Make your service beyond trust as central servers cannot access neither content nor users IP address
  • Offer Invisibility guarantees to your service
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our partnerships.
  • Brightnet
  • Cyber Intelligence & Communities
  • Ibridgepeople
  • InvisiBuBL
Joint cybersecurity solution upstream of the antivirus

Unlike competing products, and thanks to the properties of our VIPN, users do not risk any targeted attack by compromising the service provider, and DNS queries cannot be manipulated.
The solution is based on 4 complementaries pillars:

  1. Encrypting and anonymizing data flows: become invisible to attackers
  2. Real-time monitoring of data flow and alerting of suspicious traffic
  3. Filtering of malicious sites
  4. Block tracking and ads

Brightnet is supported by the national cyber strategy from France 2030 investment plan in partnership with Altrnativ.

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A single platform for access to information services of cyber interest

The aim of this project is to create, within 3 years, a unique Cyber Intelligence & Communities platform for companies and public administrations, giving them access to validated and shared intelligence services of cyber interest.

Snowpack’s role here is 3-fold, 1. upstream, by facilitating threat intelligence for analysts and crawlers, 2. downstream, by finally making it possible to share data of cyber interest (typically attacks suffered) without reputational risk, notably at sector level, and 3. finally for invisible access to the platform via our Invisible services.

The project is supported by the French national cyber strategy from France 2030 investment plan, with

ThalesEvidenFiligranGeotrendGLIMPSHarfangLabKorLabsSekoia.ioTélécom SudParisGrenoble INP

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Stealth videoconferencing with real-time translation

Snowpack and iBridgePeople offer a joint videoconferencing solution with simultaneous translation by human interpreters or artificial intelligence, enhanced by Snowpack’s stealth and encryption features.

Thanks to this unique solution, you can easily hold ultra-sensitive video conferences with people worldwide, thanks to the real-time translation of your audio, written chat and on-screen shared documents.


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Build the first true “Beyond trust” Cloud service

InvisiBuBL ambition is laying the ground to a radically novel concept for cloud data storage and processing: beyond-trust cloud (BTC).

InvisiBuBL is supported by the SecurIT project and conducted in partnership with Bubl Cloud.

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other products.
Invisible Access

Surf leaving no trace

Browse Clear, Deep & Darkweb truly anonymously & without any trusted third party.

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Invisible Services

Protect your web services

Turnkey solution to make your sensitive web services invisible from hackers

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Invisible Infra

Hide your company’s attack surface

Cloak your endpoints & data-in-transit from hackers and prevent vulnerabilities & traces exploitation

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